Friday, 27 September 2013

Here We Go Again

Here's an easier way to view my two minute documentary 'Something Different'

Something Different

Last week I shot, directed and edited a short two minute documentary I was commissioned for for Action Cancer Trust.

I had help with two others in my class with setting up the set.

The short is named after the shop, 'Something Different'.


Documentary Blog

So I had to make a new blog for my documentary class... so without any further ado here it is
Check it out if you have time.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Making a C.V

Today in class I had to make a C.V about what I want to do once I graduate, in no way did it have to be realistic; as long as it's what I wanted to do.

Then I had to make a step by step of how I plan to get there, surprisingly it was tough (but I did it). We started by what we think we would be doing on a Tuesday (today) afternoon, then we had to come up with steps that would get us there, next we talked about what would get us there or "our body of work", getting known is what we discussed next; who we would target and finally we went through what our stagey after leaving was.

P.S. I tried to vlog but was unsuccessful...better luck next time

Monday, 16 September 2013

First day back

So today was my first day back of my second year HND Multimedia and Film Studies course and we started it off with a bang…we watched movies (I love my course!)

We started of with a Research Techniques class where we were told what we'll be doing for the year and it turns out quite a lot. We'll be making a number of films a documentary a comedy film with no dialog and writing our own script for our own movie which will be getting shown in the cinema.

We discussed in length about comedy films which went all the way back to ancient Greece and what you probably didn't know is that all comedies our actually tragedies with a happy ending at the end (trust me) we then wrote what we think a comedy is.

After we had a Sound design class which, you guessed it! Is all about sound in films and it is pretty important. We had these photos on the screen of a computer which we had to add audio clips to to make it sound like a real scene in a movie, like ascend in real life…it was pretty fun.

And lastly I volunteered to do a short 2 min documentary on Action Cancer Trust which should be fun and I'm excited together involved in and at the end it will be shown at some fancy event where I'll be invited and getting fed.

**Side note I'm thinking of starting vlogs**

Sunday, 15 September 2013

2nd Year!!!

So I start my second year on the 16 September 2013 (tomorrow) and I intend to step up the blogging and blog about everything.
Stay tuned…